How You Can Help
There are so many individual actions that we can all take to make our lives more bird and biodiversity friendly. Whether it is through conscious shopping or simply turning off our lights, doing what we can can make a big difference!
Learn more about the Bird Friendly City certification and see our application
Below are a few simple things we can all do.

K. Johnson
Turn off Lights at Night
Did you know most birds and bats migrate at night? There are many different cues these animals may follow and the night sky has been shown to be one of them. When there are a lot of lights on, it can confuse their navigation and cause migrants to go off course. In addition, while it is not known entirely why, light pollution also increases the likelihood that birds and bats will strike windows at night. By turning off outdoor lights and unnecessary indoor lights at night, you can help birds and bats navigate the urban landscape safely!
Protect Birds from
Window Strikes
Colliding with windows is one of the leading causes of death for birds. Contrary to what you might think, while downtown buildings do get their fair share of strikes, residential buildings cause a greater danger. By marking your windows with feather friendly tape, specially designed stickers or simply an oil based sharpie, you can save a lot of lives!

P. Otway

Orange Crowned Warbler - C. Fisher
Conscious Shopping
So often we think of things that we can do that are directly related to our cities but many of the birds that spend part of their lives in Calgary travel hundreds or even thousands of kilometres every year. Calgary may be their summer home or they may be stopping over on their way to the boreal forests of Northern Alberta, Yukon and Northwest Territories. These birds often winter in tropical countries where food we buy all year round comes from. When shopping for things like coffee and chocolate, look for shade grown or better yet, Bird Friendly or Rainforest Alliance certifications. When buying paper products look for the Forestry Stewardship Council or Rainforest Alliance Certifications. These labels hold standards that help protect the habitat many species need throughout their lives.
Domestic Cats
Domestic cats are the number one killer of birds globally. Keeping cats indoors or building a catio for cats to spend time outdoors are easy ways to keep both birds and cats safe.

K. Johnson

Biodiversity Friendly Gardening
Using native plants to support native insects and native trees and shrubs that provide both cover and food for birds and other wildlife are just a couple of ways you can support birds and biodiversity in your yard!
Stellar's Jay - S. Jordan-McLachlan