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Local Issues

Several big projects in and around Calgary could prove difficult for the survival of our local birds. Stay tuned as we update this page with a few. Have an issue we should be aware of? Get in touch 

Bird Friendly Calgary in the news! 

Before Bird Friendly Cities Existed: 


September 2, 2019: The shocking numbers of bird fatalities in Calgary by window strike


October 30, 2019: Calgary volunteers track building strikes by migrating birds


November 25, 2019: Calgary skyscrapers are killing birds — so volunteers are studying how to make downtown safer 


November 25, 2019: Le centre-ville de Calgary : un environnement dangereux pour les oiseaux migrateurs


December 25, 2019: Volunteers count dead, injured birds and bats in downtown Calgary 


February 13, 2020: The terrible toll of bird collisions with modern buildings 


Bird Friendly City certification:


May 7, 2021: Calgary one of Canada's first Bird Friendly Cities


May 11, 2021: Calgary named one of four Bird Friendly Cities by Nature Canada


May 16, 2021: Calgary certified as one of the first bird friendly cities in Canada 


July 22, 2021: Urban birds: a Nature Canada initiative has certified Calgary as a Bird Friendly City


July 18, 2022: Why North American bird populations are declining 


April 30, 2023: Calgary's birding heritage



Bird Friendly City recertification:


December 8, 2022: Federal environment minister certifies 14 bird-friendly cities in six provinces


December 9, 2022: Canada now has 14 certified Bird Friendly Cities


January 3, 2023: Canadian cities push to protect birds from window collisions


November 13, 2023: Canada just got a lot more bird friendly: 7 municipalities recognized as great places to live for birds!


City of Calgary Engage page


City Bird vote:


City of Calgary Council recommendation for City Bird


City of Calgary timeline for City Bird vote


City of Calgary City Bird vote engage page


March 11, 2022:  Calgary’s official bird: Citizens may have say on top beak


March 12, 2022: Calgary official bird: Councillor wants poll on City's favourite fowl


March 14, 2022: Magpie or blue jay? Calgary councillor says it's time to choose the city's official bird


March 15, 2022: Calgarians one step closer to choosing the city’s official bird


March 30, 2022: Public vote for Calgary’s official bird launched following council OK


April 1, 2022: Calgarians can now vote for city's official bird


April 5, 2022: Calgarians to decide city’s official bird


April 12, 2022: Calgary birders promote vote for city’s official bird


April 12, 2022: For the birds – Calgary votes for an avian ambassador


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